
Thin Red Line

The last time I attempted to deal with my fear of red, it was semi succesful in that at the very least, I'm not looking at the colour and feeling utter repugnance.  So when I caught wind of Hague-based designer Sara Vrugt and did a catch up on her Red Collection project which culminated in a 3km catwalk parade of red-clad citizen models on the streets of The Hague that took place in June... I wasn't balking.  In fact, even if I was still dead-set against the colour, I wouldn't be able to resist enthusing about the project just because the sheer scale of it and Vrugt's dedication to the concept is so impressive.



Een Rode Draad (A Red Line) comprises 300 outfits that are inspired by Dutch traditional dress and also by cultural diversity.  Cross cultural exploration within one collection could be dispirate but there are 300 ensembles and all are united by red.   In the public show where citizens were asked to participate as part of the red parade, Vrugt was trying to encourage people to enjoy public spaces and exchange ideas in fashion and culture.  Of course I wasn't there to see the spectacle mysel nor can I assess the success of Vrugt's aims but just looking at the dozens of catwalk images that you can download from the A Red Line site, lofty aims of communication and cultural exchange aside, it looks like it was an amazing spectacle that at the very least must have been a talking point in town. 

Not that I'm not ever so slightly intrigued about whether a similiar project in a colour like hot pink, mauve or heather grey (aka colours that are more 'me') could equally work as well...

Red1 Red6

Red2 Red3

Red4 Red5



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